Just a quick outline of some of the plans I have in mind for Team Build Machine......
Obviously, I will be adding payment options to the site. I have deliberately left that deactivated at the moment as I want to get at least 100 members in before you start adding any ads yourself. I don't want you to waste funds on ads while I am checking everything is working as it should be either....
I do plan on adding some referral rotators to the site - I have various ideas on how to do this much more effectively than a regular rotator system. More on that to come soon!
Ads will have to be approved for them to appear on the site - this is to prevent 20 ads of the same site all being added at the same time. Especially in the early days I will be using this to drip feed the ads in alignment with new members joining. This is to help maximise the chance of success for your ads.
I do plan on adding a rev share style earning section with a difference. It will be used to provide 200% returns on your funds (so you would get $20 back from a $10 deposit). This will be genuine and stable for the long term due to my knowledge about making money online. There will be a locked fund account created to protect your money so no loss of funds is possible. More about this to come soon too.
Extra earning options such as surveys and paid tasks will be added to the site ASAP. I need to set up business accounts for survey providers etc.
Lastly for now, I will be adding a section for affiliate marketing sales too. More about that will be added soon too.
If you have any additional ideas or suggestions for the site please do let me know.
Ellie xx
« Last Edit:
Nov 13th, 2023 at 08:36
by ellieo »